
When the number of effects you want to kickstart is dynamic, you can use the reactSet operator which does pretty much the same thing as react but allows you to run simultaneously multiple effects.

fun reactFeedback(): Feedback<State, Event> = reactSet<State, Query, Event>(
    query = { state ->
				// return either a Set<Query>
    effects = { query: Query ->
				// Use the query to perform side effect, network calls, bluetooth, database...
				// return an Observable<Event>

The Rules

  • Each time the flow enters a new state, the query is evaluated and a Set<Query> is returned.
  • The operator compares the old query with the new query:
    • Effects are not interrupted for elements in the new query that were present in the old query.
    • Effects are canceled for elements present in old query but not in new query.
    • In case new elements are present in new query (and not in old query) they are being passed to the effects lambda and resulting effects are being performed
  • The effects will run in parallel.


Let's take an example where the user is presented with a list of files that they can download:

data class FileResource(
    val url: String,
    val name: String,
    val localUrl: String?

data class State(
    val fileResources: List<FileResource>, // The list of all files
    val resourceUrlsToDownload: Set<String> // The resouce files being downloaded

sealed class Event {
    data class UserRequestedResource(val fileResource: FileResource) : Event()
    data class LoadedResource(val url: String, val localUrl: String) : Event()

private fun downloadResourcesFeedback(): Feedback<State, Event> = reactSet<State, String, Event>(
    query = { state ->
    effects = { url -> 
        downloadResource(url).map { localUrl ->
            Event.LoadedResource(url, localUrl)

You can check the complete Flow here.