Your Custom Feedback Loop

The bind and react operators cover 99% of the cases you might encounter but you can still create your custom feedback loop if you need to.

A feedback loop is just a function that takes the states and returns a stream of events:
(Observable<State>) -> Observable<Event>.

To be more accurate it is (ObservableSchedulerContext<State>) -> Observable<Event>:

  • You use ObservableSchedulerContext.source to get to the Observable<State>
  • You use ObservableSchedulerContext.scheduler to access the Flow scheduler (usually the main thread) and you should enqueue all events to that scheduler.

UI Feedback Loop

When you want to create a custom UI feedback in the LayoutBinder

LayoutBinder.create(...) {
	feedbacks.add { screenScheduler ->
		// screenScheduler.source is the Observable<Screen>

Non-UI Feedback Loop

When you want to create a custom feedback that you can add to the Flow.feedbacks:

fun yourCustomFeedback(): Feedback<State, Event> = { stateScheduler ->
		// stateScheduler.source is the Observable<State>